The Instituto Bem Estar Brasil, acts with expertise in telecom regulation, public policies of digital inclusion and community networks since 2008. As a civil society organization integrates the digital and human rights movements like Campanha Banda Larga é Um Direito Seu!, Coalizão Direitos na Rede, Marco Civil Já!, Movimento de Redes Livres and Movimento de Espectro Livre. The IBEBrasil s a member of the Universalization Chamber of the Internet Steering Committee and actively participates in the proposals and events of the Internet Forum in Brazil. In the international level, integrates the Dynamic Coalition – Community Networks in IGF and works collaboratively with APC, ISOC and Article 19 in ITU-D, SG1 about the issue of Community Networks. Since 2008, the IBEBrasil helped infoexcluded communities to understand more about the social, technical, political and economical aspects about community networks and the relevance of the information sovereignty and digital inclusion to enter in the 21th century information society. In partnerships with APC, Article 19 Brasil, Instituto Nupef, Instituto Federal Fluminense and Universidade Estadual do Norte Fluminese, co-created and trained more than 15 communities to build their own self managed networks, since areas in rural settlements to indigenous villages in the Amazonia forest. Contributed in the book “Rádios Comunitárias em Tempos Digitais” from AMARC and the Guide “Como Regularizar Provedores Comunitários” from Article 19 Brasil. In 2010 made the political articulation to debate the change of the regulatory framework together the Ministry of Communication and Anatel to allows community networks exists as a social and nonprofit player of telecom environment, completing this process in 2013 with the reedition of the resolution 617/2013 and in 2017 finishing the long run to allow the license exempt for community networks with another reedition of the same resolution above. In 2015, in articulation with the Ministry of Communication and Ministry of Education, together with the Universidade Estadual do Norte Fluminese – UENF, helped to create the first public policy for Community Networks in the PROEXT federal government program.